To thank you for your service, we've partnered with GovX to offer an exclusive 18% off discount on Fresh Clean Apparel products (including Crew NecksV-NecksTall TeesPolosHenleysHoodies and more).

This offer is eligible for:

- Current & former U.S. military

- Military spouses & dependents

- First responders including law enforcement, fire, and EMS

- Certified Teachers

How it works:

- Click GET 18% OFF button to claim your discount and you'll be asked to verify your affiliation using GovX ID. Verification is real-time and secure. If you already have a GovX ID account, just log in!

-After you verify, you'll receive a single-use discount code to apply at checkout. Be sure to copy your code.

- For future purchases, simply log in with your GovX ID to unlock a new discount code.

- Please note, this offer is only valid for one-time purchases, and won't apply to subscriptions.

- Limit one use of your discount code per day.

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